According to medical submission, cancer of the stomach and bowel is more likely to occur after the person reaches the age of 40. Stomach cancer for instance, may show few symptoms at the initial stage, but may later make the patient to complain of certain abdominal distress, which is often more noticeable after eating food.
Not only that, cancer of the stomach may also present or manifest its symptoms in form of ulcer like pains, that may be felt in the upper part of the abdomen. Once this begins to manifest, there may be some loss of appetite and there may also be some occasional vomiting with dark brown granules, which medical doctors often referred to as “Coffee grounds” that usually indicate bleeding in the stomach patients with unexplained loss of weight should visit a hospital for proper and thorough medical test to find out the true cause of this unusual condition and to rule out a hidden malignancy especially in the gastrointestinal tract or elsewhere.
Patients with larger ulcers in the stomach are also advised to be close to their doctor so that the physician can regularly monitor the patient to make sure that there is no malignant growth in the stomach.
Malignant growth are rarely found in the small intestine and this according to medical explanation is often surprising when one consider the length of the small bowel and the numerous activities which are carried out within the small intestine. Malignancy is said to be more common in the large bowel possibly because the bowel content move more slowly and there is also the greater likelihood of irritation.
However, there are growing scientific evidences that say green tea and black tea can reduce the risk of developing some forms of cancer like stomach, colon, rectum, liver, lungs as well as pancreas cancers.
Both green tea and black tea according to researchers as well as natural health practitioners contain certain antioxidants known as polyphenols (Catechins), which appear to prevent cancer cells from dividing. This evidence of cancer preventing ability of green tea and black tea has also been buttressed by research report documented in the 2007 August issue of cancer epidemiology, Bio-makers and prevention - a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research, as well as a research study reported in the July 2007 issue of the Journal of Cellular Biochemistry.
Green tea, was reported the best in cancer preventing ability when compared with black tea, although black tea is in the second position, while herbal teas was reported do not show this benefit. The polyphenols that are abundant in green tea and which make it prevent cancerous cells from dividing can also make the cancer cell to die.
Red wine as well as olive oil also contain polyphenols and can also protect against various forms/types of cancer. But it should be noted that dry green tea leaves, which contain about 40 percent polyphenols by weight, may also have the ability of reducing the risk of cancer of the stomach, lung, colon, rectum, liver as well as pancreas.
Other advantage of drinking green tea is that the concentrated chemicals derived from green tea dramatically boosted production of a group of key detoxification enzymes in people with low levels of these beneficial protein. Green tea concentrate may also help some people to strengthen their metabolic defense against toxins capable of causing cancer. The concentrate in green tea contain catechins, which belong to the gluthathione S - transferase (GST) family, by as much as 80 percent.
For example, researchers have also reported that there is a lower rates of cancer development in population such as the Chinese and Japanese, which often consumed green tea. Not only that, regular drinking of green tea also help the body system to detoxify or get rid any toxic chemicals inside the body system
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