Signs to watch out for in diabetes
Are you thirsty and tired all time? Do you constantly need to visit the toilet? And is your eye sight failing? If you experience all these symptoms, you could be suffering from diabetes; you are even at greater risk if you are overweight and have close family members with blood-sugar problems. Sadly a large percentage of those afflicted with the ailment do not realize it. And ignorance of the condition could make you blind even kill you.
The experience of 20-years old Greg Richardson, an undergraduate at Cardiff University, United Kingdom, amply expressed the danger. When he began to feel unwell earlier this year, Richardson thought he had a hangover, “I’d been out with my mates for a few drinks on the Monday night-I was drinking liters and liters of squash and just assumed booze had dehydrated me”, he said. By Thursday, Greg was no better “I was still drinking loads and going to loo every 20 minutes” he said, adding “the worst thing was I was having trouble seeing. My sight was down to about five meters”
When he went to Gloucester for the weekend, “my mum kept nagging me to go to the doctor but I didn’t think it was necessary” he said. But his mother Ava dragged him to their local pharmacy for a blood glucose test. It showed his level was almost six times what is considered safe-34mmol/1 compared with around 6.
Another test was carried out to confirmed the result-and gave a reading of 31.7 “The pharmacist thought I’d broken the machine and sent me straight to hospital.
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