Cruciferous vegetables, cabbage, broccoli, water cress and mustard greens . all are rich in antioxidant phytochemidal and fibre, which are cancer protectors.
Broccoli, cabbage and canliflower cotain indole-3-carbinol that can combat breast cancer by converting a cancer promoting estrogen into a more protective variety. Broccoli, canliflower and cabbage antioxidant lutien and zeaxanthing and other cancers.
Protect your cells from ravage of free radicals produced by the body's metabolism and from the environment. colour means super nutriction, so eat at least nine helpings a day. A serving is one small to medium piece of fruit.
Crunch on baby carrots, add tomatoes to salad, Deep orange, sweet potatoes. Mangoes and nectarines mean vitamin C and beta carotene. Rad grapes contain antioxidants called bioflavonoid and asre rich in resveratrol, which inhibits tumour growth.
folate; Think green and brown, as in whole grains, beans and fortified breads and cereals. Green leafy vegetables and grain foods are rich in folate, and research points to higher risk for colon, rectum and breast cancer in poeple who get less folate than they need.
FAT research shows that poeple who replace saturated fat from red meat with fish rich in omega 3-fatty acid have lower rates of breast and colon cancer. Omega 3s promote brain growth and development and they are also impotarnt in reducing risk of information and cancer. the best fats are found in tuna, malkecel and sandines. whatever you do, do not fry them !
-Bad fats
-Burnt meat
-Too much achohol
-sugary soda
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